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DIY A-Frame Chicken Tractors with Kelsey Jorissen Olesen of Green Willow Homestead

In this episode, we chat with Kelsey Jorissen Olesen who owns and operates Green Willow Homestead, an 80-acre farm in Northwest Wisconsin. She and her husband, Paul, raise dairy goats, pastured hens, and cultivate a diverse market garden. Kelsey also manages the Farmers Market at Perlick Distillery in Sarona, Wisconsin where she brings together local growers, bakers, and artisans every week throughout the summer and fall.  Alongside farming, Kelsey coaches and teaches farmers how to use online marketing to grow their customer base. Kelsey has been an entrepreneur for 12 years, honing her marketing skills through her photography business, her eCommerce businesses, her farm, as well as coaching fellow small business owners.

With all the benefits of free-range and pastured hens with none of the risks, these DIY A-frame chicken tractors are beautiful to look at and built to last. Designed and created by Kelsey and Paul Olesen of Green Willow Homestead, this chicken-loving couple has devoted years of chicken-keeping to finding ways to make hens happier and safer all over the world. 


Meyer Hatchery: https://www.meyerhatchery.com/

A-Frame Mobile Chicken Tractor Plans: https://www.meyerhatchery.com/search?keyword=%22mobile%20chicken%20tractor%20plans%22

Also by Kelsey, Broody Hen Box: https://www.meyerhatchery.com/Broody-Hen-Coop-Plans-Instant-Download-p446005044

Health and Wellness Category: https://www.meyerhatchery.com/Medication-Health-&-Wellness-c39788046

Wyandottes: https://www.meyerhatchery.com/search?keyword=wyandotte

Instagram | @kelseyjorissen

Pinterest | @GreenWillowHomestead

Facebook | Green Willow Homestead

Website | Green Willow Homestead

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