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Pumpkins, Spice and Everything Nice!

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about pumpkins, squash, and all things spice! Fall is officially in the air and the leaves are changing color. Many folks claim Autumn as their favorite season, and if you have ever seen chickens enjoying a pumpkin, it may very well be their favorite season too! 

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Hey everyone! Welcome back to The Coop with Meyer Hatchery - where we talk all things poultry in hopes of inspiring crazy chicken keepers and educating future flock owners. We’re glad to have you tuning in for this brief midweek break as we provide a Meyer Moment to cover relevant happenings. 

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about pumpkins, squash, and all things spice! Fall is officially in the air and the leaves are changing color. Many folks claim Autumn as their favorite season, and if you have ever seen chickens enjoying a pumpkin, it may very well be their favorite season too! 

Pumpkins and squash are the ultimate treats for chickens. They enjoy nearly every part of these vegetables and there are anecdotal health benefits noted for chickens. However, it is a fact, that pumpkins are full of wonderful vitamins and minerals that can benefit the health of chickens and people alike. Pumpkins are high in fiber, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, niacin, iron, and vitamins, such as A, B, C, and E. 

The anecdotal part is the claim that pumpkins act as a de-wormer for chickens. If you are experiencing worm concerns in your own flock, we would recommend seeking proven parasite treatment. Feel free to indulge your flock with the seeds and insides of pumpkins as you make jack-o-lanterns, and don’t be surprised if free-range chickens help themselves to any pumpkins that are meant for decorations! 

With  Fall a certain spice is synonymous with the season. Did you know, chickens don’t have the same taste receptors as humans, so they don’t taste sweet and spicy in the same way. Chickens can eat every type of hot pepper and not be bothered. Red pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, or any favorite pepper blend will be a welcome addition to any treat offered to your flock. The benefit to your chickens is that these spices boost circulation, which can prevent frostbite in cold temperatures. 

Always a favorite in any season, garlic is an all-around champion spice for your chickens. Garlic is known to boost the immune system, support respiratory health, and even repel external parasites. As if the health benefits weren’t enough to convince you of the merit of garlic, the smell of chicken manure is almost neutralized when regularly fed garlic or garlic supplements. 

One of the lesser touted spices for chickens is ginger, but it's quickly gaining ground as a recent scientific study supported its benefits for laying hens. The study found that adding dried ginger root powder to chicken feed resulted in larger eggs, increased production, and increased levels of antioxidants in the eggs. The recommended dosage is about 1 gram of ginger per kilogram of feed.

We hope you enjoyed this Meyer Moment about pumpkins, spice, and everything nice for your chickens! 

Enjoy the rest of your week and as always, thank you for listening to The Coop!

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