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NPIP with Ohio Poultry Association

Today, I’m joined by industry leaders, Jenna Gregorich, Bird Health Programs Manager for the Ohio Poultry Association. OPA is a non-profit statewide trade organization that found its start in 1948 representing more than 600 Ohio egg, chicken and turkey farmers. You may be familiar with OPA through their Ohio Egg Marketing Program or Ohio Turkey Council as they work to exemplify the voice of hundreds of Ohio Poultry farmers. 

Together with Jenna, we better explain what the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) is and how it can benefit you as a homesteader, breeder or poultry show enthusiast. 

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Listen to some of our favorite episodes!

Jan. 9, 2024

Nutrition For Your Flock in the Winter

Offering your flock the proper nutrition is so very important no matter the season! Listen as Jeff shares tips for nutrition in the winter for your flock. During the cold temperatures, your flock can benefit from extra protei...

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Jan. 23, 2024

Winter Poultry Pests and Your Flock

It is a topic no one wants to talk about - pests in the coop! Listen as Jeff talks about different types of pests in the coop during the winter, and how to prevent them to keep your flock safe! Pests and Your Chickens Blog Sh...

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Feb. 6, 2024

February Bird of the Month - Marans!

Listen as Linda shares all about our Bird of the Month - Marans! The Marans is a favorite chicken breed among backyard poultry keepers, and Meyer Hatchery offers eight color variations, including both popular favorites and ra...

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