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The Livestock Conservancy

On The Coop today, you’ll hear how heritage breed conservation and your backyard flock play an important role in agricultural biodiversity with Senior Program Manager, Jeannette Beranger of the Livestock Conservancy. 

Now, “heritage” has become a popular word so we further explore how the Livestock Conservancy defines heritage, as well as some of the criteria they use to rank breeds on their conservation priority list. You can find this list linked below in the show notes, but we’ve also marked the breeds we carry in our annual catalog on the breed comparison chart. 

If all of this sounds a little over your head, I encourage you to continue listening as the work of the Livestock Conservancy is more critical than ever in protecting our food system, conserving valuable genetic traits, supporting sustainable family farms, and preserving our history and culture. 

Breeding poultry, raising a backyard flock or simply supporting the Livestock Conservancy’s efforts all play an important role, but what exactly is the impact and what does it mean for you? 

In this episode you'll: 

  • Hear How "Heritage" Is Defined
  • Discover The Formula For The Conservation Priority List
  • Learn Ways You Can Support Poultry Conservation

Important Links:

Also don't forget to join our exclusive Facebook Group "Inside The Coop" and submit your Poultry Pride Story, here!

New to The Coop with Meyer Hatchery?

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Nutrition For Your Flock in the Winter

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