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Meyer Moments Episodes

July 6, 2021

Meyer Moment: National Fried Chicken Day

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about National Fried Chicken Day. The United States has dedicated an entire day to this fried goodness, to be celebrated July 6th. To help celebrate, we explore the origins, history, and type...

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June 22, 2021

Meyer Moment: Jeff's 6 Things For Brooding

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about my 6 things for brooding chicks. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of chatting with me on the phone, you may have heard my 6 things. It’s a conversation I have with new chicken keepers, a...

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June 15, 2021

Meyer Moment: Feed Storage

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about feed storage.If you keep a very large chicken flock, or like to enjoy the discount that is usually included with bulk purchases, you likely have multiple bags of feed to store. There ar...

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June 8, 2021

Meyer Moment: Pest Prevention & Treatment

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about pest prevention and treatment. Chickens are superstars at controlling all sorts of small pests, such as ticks and other bugs, but they can become bothered by others such as mites or par...

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June 1, 2021

Meyer Moment: DIY Coop Plans

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about coop building plans. If you are handy and enjoy DIY projects, Meyer Hatchery coop plans are ideal for creating the perfect home for your flock. We offer building plans for all stages of...

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May 25, 2021

Meyer Moment: New Release! Lisa Steele's Cookies and Cream Day-Old Ch…

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about our newest chick release, a Lisa Steele Exclusive! Meyer Hatchery is proud to once again partner with our friend and fellow chicken enthusiast, Lisa Steele, to bring you Cookies and Cre...

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May 4, 2021

Meyer Moment: Spring Predators

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about Spring Predators. The leaves are unfolding, it’s Springtime! As the temperatures rise and the ground thaws, your chickens are grateful to feel the sunshine on their feathers. While the...

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April 27, 2021

Meyer Moment: Chicken Names

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about favorite chicken names. Some pets seem to easily earn their name, by showcasing their personality and other times we need some inspiration. Naming pets goes as far back as ancient times...

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April 20, 2021

Meyer Moment: Calcium

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about calcium and its importance for poultry. Calcium is an essential mineral for all growing beings but for your birds, it is a key component of eggshells. There are many sources of calcium ...

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April 13, 2021

Meyer Moment: Heritage Vs Hybrid

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about heritage versus hybrid. As you begin your search for new flock additions you may come across terminology such as heritage and hybrid, but what’s the difference? And most importantly wha...

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April 6, 2021

Meyer Moment: Storing Eggs

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about storing eggs. Spring has sprung for many chicken owners and you may be noticing an increase in egg production. Eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner become part of your weekly menu, but...

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March 30, 2021

Meyer Moment: Single Hatchling

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about single hatchlings. There are many factors that can affect the outcome of a hatch and there may be a time when there is only a single hatchling. Poultry is known for its flock tendencies...

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March 23, 2021

Meyer Moment: Egg Hatching Myths

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about egg hatching myths. As many chicken breeds as there are in the world, there are just as many theories about hatching eggs. Hatching techniques can vary between incubator types and any e...

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March 16, 2021

Meyer Moment: Blue Gene

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about blue genetics. Chicken genetics are truly fascinating and complex. You don’t have to be an experienced breeder or geneticist to know that chicken feathers are some of nature’s most beau...

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March 9, 2021

Meyer Moment: Incubator Prep

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about preparing incubators for hatching. Hatching eggs is an awe-inspiring process as you create optimal conditions for life to develop and hatch. Mother hens instinctively know those optimal...

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