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Meyer Moments Episodes

July 14, 2020

Meyer Moment: Poultry First Aid Must-Haves

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about poultry first aid must-haves! Feed and supplements are your first line of defense, but what happens when you have an injury in your flock? We’ve curated a list of poultry first aid must...

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July 7, 2020

Meyer Moment: Salmonella

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about Salmonella! With your new chicks arriving it is hard to resist cuddling with them, but did you know, improper poultry handling can lead to a Salmonella infection? The CDC and public hea...

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June 30, 2020

Meyer Moment: Virtual Poultry Show

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about the Meyer Hatchery Virtual Poultry Show! With local fairs being altered or completely canceled this year, we want to encourage our youth to continue to learn and grow in their poultry k...

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June 23, 2020

Meyer Moment: Kitchen Scraps

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about kitchen scraps. As the warmer season continues, you’ll often find yourself with an abundance of fresh produce, from your garden, local farmers market, or grocery store. Instead of tossi...

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June 16, 2020

Meyer Moment: Poultry Feed

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about poultry feed. As you begin your poultry journey, you may find yourself in the feed aisle overwhelmed by the endless options. Let’s take a moment to breakdown some of the common feed ter...

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June 2, 2020

Meyer Moment: National Rotisserie Chicken Day

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about Jeff's favorite type of chicken, Rotisserie Chicken. In 2015 Boston Market submitted a request to the National Calendar Day folks to deem June 2nd National Rotisserie Chicken Day, and t...

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May 26, 2020

Meyer Moment: Meat Chicken Breeds

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about the various breeds of meat chickens. Raising meat birds can seem daunting, especially when faced with which breed is right for you! Today we’re here to give you a breakdown on the meat ...

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May 19, 2020

Meyer Moment: May - National Egg Month!

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about the month of May, National Egg Month! Did you know Ohio is the second leading producer of eggs in the nation? Learn more eggciting facts for National Egg Month and cook up a way to cele...

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May 12, 2020

Meyer Moment: Giving Tuesday Podcasts

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about Giving Tuesday! Giving Tuesday Now, popped up last Tuesday, May 5th in response to the COVID-19 pandemic but sparked a month-long global generosity movement. The term “giving” can mean ...

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April 21, 2020

Meyer Moment: Poultry Waterers + National Humor Month!

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about poultry waterers. It seems like a simple task, to water your chickens, but there are a lot of different watering systems available to you! We thought a simple breakdown of waterer style...

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April 14, 2020

Meyer Moment: National Gardening Day (With Chickens)!

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about National Gardening Day, happening today, April 14th. We thought we would help you celebrate by sharing some plants you can start now for you and your chickens to enjoy. Gardening is a s...

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April 7, 2020

Meyer Moment: Mud Season

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about Mud Season. That glorious time between winter and spring when your driveway, yard and chicken run are mud. This is also the time of year when you typically start to smell your chicken c...

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March 31, 2020

Meyer Moment: How To Care For Your Flocking During COVID-19

Let’s take a Meyer Moment to talk about how to care for your flock during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Its top of mind for most individuals as the Stay At Home order has been put into effect for many states including Ohio. For home...

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